Ομιλία στην Πρίστινα κατά την διάρκεια Ελληνο-Κοσοβάρικου Εμπορικού και Οικονομικού Συνεδρίου που διοργανώθηκε από το Υπουργείο Εξωτερικών και το Εμπορικό Επιμελητήριο του Κοσόβου
1. Asymmetry, antagonism, anomaly
Three words of Greek origin emerge from the autopsy of today’s ecumenical system. Ιndeed, they fully characterize the symptoms of the asthenic and astatic global political and security system .
The ‘’pentarchy’’ , the ‘’5’’ Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council , supposed to be pylons of the global system , have serious problems and challenges to fulfill their mandate as entrusted to them by the U.N. Charter. Τhe inherent pentarchy ‘ s polemics, the catachresis ( abuse) of the veto power as well as the anachronistic synthesis of the UNSC are synonymous to the inefficiency of the System.
2. Chaos, tragedy, catastrophe
Three words also of Greek descend tο synopsize the situation in the Middle East, the lands of birth of great civilizations and the Holy Lands of genesis of the monotheistic religions ,Judaism ,Christianity and Islam. The absence of anthropocentric policies and the recourse to genocidal practices based upon the teleology of state or despotic interests are unacceptable .
Europe ,our old and aging continent , is also deeply affected ,though in an asymmetric manner, by the metastasis of crises and tragedies.
The human exodus is an inhuman treatment and suffering inflicted to the (anthropos) mankind. We Greeks from our own history, and you Kosovars fom your recent experience know it very well.
3. History, Geography, Ethnicity
These words are generally used to epitomize the Balkan symptoms and problems. They still have in Europe a negative metaphor when it comes to the Balkans .These three words are considered to match the typology and axiology of so many problems and crises οf our Balkan micro-cosmos.
Wars,tragedies, humanitarian catastrophies .
The dividend of democracy and self-government is not symmetrically and in a synchronized manner distributed in our region.
I often recall the words of President Ibrahim Rugova who used to emphasize to his visitors from Greece that ‘’ history and geography never were dividers between Greeks and Kosovar Albanians’’.
I sympathize with the dynamics of this statement.
Today,we have a solid basis for moving from the analysis of aphorisms related to the history and to the past, towards a new set of axiomatic priorities .
We must put the youngsters, the next generation at the center of our priorities and policies .I regret that both countries have an unusually high rate of youth unemployment.
So allow me to call it as the ‘’next generation decade ‘’ for interaction between Kosovo and Greece; shape a better future, of peace ,prosperity and hope for the next generations.
4. Strategy, Synergy, Symphony
Now , I come to me preferred set of Greek words. We need a joint political will and decision to move from the good intentions static state of play to a win-win dynamic stratagem. This central policy option will not deceive neither Kosovo nor Greece. It is self sustained and not influenced or affected by any third factor.
A holistic strategy cannot but be cemented –and I intentionally use this term , the ‘’cement’’ being our first good story – on an enhanced economic synergy program.
Today’s symposium here in Prishtina and others to follow in Athens and in Thessaloniki , should become the catalyst and the dynamic engine who will move the train of our synergies faster, safer and in harmony with the winds of change.
This new depart is also well synchronized with the main railway connection from Mitrovice to Blace and through Skopje to Thessaloniki. This rail connection and the modernization , upgrading and the works involved matter and has a high symbolism also for Greece. The train for Kosovo’s European integration departed from Thessaloniki 14 years ago.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This strategy demands for more ,closer and better coordinated polities. To this end, I expect that politics and politicians, at state and party levels , would act as regulators for success investment and business stories. Not, the other way around. Any job creating symphony will automatically bear beneficial to all political dividends.
While economic synergies succeed, politics will be compelled to follow.
Strategy asks for synergies. Synergies imply that the synchronized action of two have a greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.
5. Symmetry
Last but not least : while we move ahead in terms of synergies and symphonies, we earnestly hope that symmetry and analogy will be established in our relations.