Δημοσιεύθηκε στην ιστοσελίδα Liberal.gr, 18/09/2017

Όσο αναπτύσσεται η έρευνα και η επιστήμη που στηρίζονται στα μαθηματικά και στην λογική τόσο επιστρέφουμε στην γλώσσα του Πλάτωνα, του Αριστοτέλη, του Δημόκριτου  και του Πυθαγόρα. Χωρίς να ξεχνάμε τον Ηράκλειτο ,τον Θουκυδίδη και τον Αισχύλο.

Σημασία  έχει ότι  ακόμη και σήμερα μπορούμε να μιλήσουμε στην αγγλική χρησιμοποιώντας αποκλειστικά ελληνικής ρίζας και προέλευσης λέξεις.

Αυτό απέδειξε η ομιλία του Πρέσβη ε.τ. Αλέξανδρου Μαλλιά στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο «Ολυμπιάδα του Πνεύματος» που ιδρύθηκε από τον Δρα Επιμενίδη Χαϊδεμενάκη και πραγματοποιήθηκε στις εγκαταστάσεις της Ορθοδόξου Ακαδημίας Κρήτης στο Κολυμπάρι Χανίων χρησιμοποιώντας ελληνικής ρίζας και προέλευσης λέξεις.

Στο Συνέδριο μετείχαν κορυφαίοι επιστήμονες Χημείας, Μαθηματικών, Αστροφυσικής, Νανοτεχνολογίας, Φυσικής ενώ μετείχαν και δυο κάτοχοι Βραβείων Nobel.

«IX Olympiad of the Mind – Learning to live together»

Hania (KOLYMBARI) Crete, September 14-16, 2017 

by Ambassador (ret.) Alexandros P. Mallias*

(dedicated in honour of Dr.Epimenidis Haidemenakis , Founder-President of the International STEPS Foundation)

«It sound to me Greek». I heard many times this expression while as diplomat I was trying to argue.I often challenged this aphorism.Today, such potential criticism will remained unchallenged.

Allow me to express to the Archons of the IX Olympiad of Skepsis my sincere euharistia for including my in this august and panegyric agora. A plethora of gnome,sophia ,logic and logos are gathered here today.The Academy of Logos of the Orthodoxy here in Crete salutes today the academia of the orthodoxy of logos.

It is axiomatic that diplomats are rewarded not for what they say;also,mostly for what they fail to say. I have the gnosis and indeed the autognosis that my diplomatic praxis and energy for almost four decades are not enough to automatically generate your eulogies .

1. Asymmetry, antagonism, anomaly

These three words of Greek origin may provide the exegesis and diagnosis of the anatomy,pathology and indeed the autopsy of today’s ataxia (disorder). They fully characterize the symptoms of asthenia (weakness) and astaticism of the ecumenical economic, political and security system.

The «Pentarchy», the «5» Permanent Members of the New York based Pan-Ethnos Organization’s Security Council , supposed to be the stylobates of the ecumenic system , face serious problems and challenges; they have the means but they lack the will to discharge their mandate as entrusted to them by the San Francisco UN Charter. Τhe inherent chronic Pentarchy ‘ s antagonistic politics, polemics, and the catachresis ( abuse) of the veto power as well as the anachronistic synthesis of the UNSC are the root causes of the inefficiency of the System.

2. Chaos, tragedy ,catastrophe

Not far from Crete, tragedy, chaos and catastrophe prevail. These words of Greek origin epitomize and synopsize the situation in the Middle East; the topos of birth of great civilizations and the Agio Lands of genesis of the monotheistic religions Judaism ,Christianity and Islam.The absence of anthropocentric policies and the recourse to polemos (war) and to genocidal practices based upon the teleology of state sympheron ( ineterest) and of that of despotic tyrans are the canon.

Medical chirurgery (chirurgy) depend on anesthesia and asepsis. Yet, the architects of our systemic ecumenic political taxis generally opt for apophasis and energies provoking epidemia rather than asepsis. In the Mega Middle East area, epidemia has been transformed to pandemia. Chaos and drama.

The OIKOS, POLIS and ECUMENE ataxia system, have so far failed to save the dignity of anthropos, often its zoe and its own politismos(culture).The typology of political polemics and antagonisms is not about axiology. They are not based on ethics,harmony, ethos and aesthetics.They are about ethnic and religious fanaticism ,egoism and about expanding the spheres and the scope of economic, edaphic (territorial) and political control.

It is oxymoron that in the aftermath of seven years of chronic failures ,the protagonists of this anomaly and their patrons still prefer to see the dendron (tree) instead of the forest.

The dramatic exodus caused by wrong political apophasis is an inhuman treatment and suffering inflicted to the anthropos (mankind). History’s lessons are not learned.Apathy and pathos, empathy and antipathy, thesis and antithesis, Hybris and Nemesis are all present in this tragedy. Yet, the catharsis is not there. Furthermore, the pandect of our Polis and Cosmos anthropocentric basic rights – those we call ecumenic Human Rights – is applied in an evasive manner.

Beyond the galaxy of present problems, our diagnosis and prognosis imply that we should anticipate analogous anthropo-catastrophic practices and exodus due to the climatic/atmospheric change, hydro-ellipsis or hydro-chresis. Mostly from Africa.

3. History,Geography,Ethnicity

Europe, our old and ageing continent, is also painfully affected, increasingly so in an asymmetric manner, by the metastasis of terrorcratic barbaric fanaticism, demagogy instead of democracy and deep ecomomic crises.

The triptyhon «history, geography, ethnicity» are generally used to epitomize the typology of European symptoms and problems. They also have a negative metaphor when it comes to the Middle East and the Balkans. These words are considered to match the taxonomy and the top hierarchy of so many problems and crises in the Balkans. In our micro-cosmos, the dividend of democracy is not symmetrically and in a synchronized manner distributed.

The next kinesis (move) must drive us from the analysis and the history related aphorisms to a new set of axiomatic priorities: reset and reshape the course of history. We must put the youngsters, the new generation at the center of our priorities and policies .So allow me to name it the «neo – generation decade» initiative; shape a better future in peace , eutychia (happiness), and give some hope to the next generations.

4. Strategy,Synergy, Symphony

Now, I move to my preferred set of Greek words. We need a joint political symphony and apophasis to move from the good prothesis (intentions) static state of play to a nicephore dynamic stratagem. This central policy option will exclude nobody. A holistic strategy cannot but be cemented on an enhanced economic and political synergies program.

Today’s symposium here in Crete and others to follow, could become the catalyst and the dynamic mechanism who will move the istos (fiber) of our synergies faster, safer and in analogy with the coming hurricanes of catastrophe.

Restoring the politics and economics of «metron» (right balance) with «anthropos» (man) at their epicenter, is not just another option. It is the absolute necessity.

This strategy demands for more ,closer and better coordinated polities. To this end, I expect that politics and politicians, at OIKOS, POLIS and ECUMENE levels, will put Politis (the citizen) at the centre of politics. Politics are becoming synonymous to idiocy if meant to simply serve the interests of micro-politicians. POLITIS as the gravity centre of politics and economics imply and necessitate the emphasis to «metron».

Yes, now is the chronos for the antistrophe of the chorus of priorities.This strategy asks also for synergies. Synergies imply that the synchronized action of two or more have a greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects.

5. «Mega» policies rather than «Meta» aphorisms

«Meta», I use it intead of «Post», is the Greek lexis we so often use in our modern lexicon to analyze recent economic and political episodes affecting POLIS and ECUMENE. For many thinkers the lexis «meta» is the algorithm to solve modern problems and mysteries.

It is the basic element of their analysis.I do not have the diadem of a philosopher; neither am I in the diaconate of episteme. Yet, I believe that praxis (action) is the drastic antidote to inertia.

The Ecumenical as well as the polis practices and policies need to think and act in mega terms if we want to prevent mega tragedies. Harmony will not automatically or mechanically replace the present ecumenic chaos. They are not physical phaenomena to be fixed by Gaia and Physis (nature). Our wrong praxis are at the origin of our mega problems. There is a logic in this illogical causality effect.

6. Symmetry

If symmetry is not restored at OIKOS and POLIS,the search of a neo–ecumenical systemic taxis will remain an exercise in futility.The global «OLON» (the whole) is the synthesis of the individual atoms (parts).The same thesis stands the other way around. While the OLON degenerates the atoms are dispersed in ataxy.

Restoring symmetry ,geometry and harmony as the themelion of the neo-Ecumenic system will be the mega proklisis (challenge) of the meta chaos and anarchy epoch.

Archons of skepsis and episteme, I am eucharis and indeed eugnomon (grateful) to you all for granting me the pronomion (priviledge) to participate in your symposium and synergies.

I am happy to return to this gaia of Crete;here blossomed the proto-European politismos ,the Minoan civilization.